* Community Supported Agriculture *


A CSA is a season long membership that creates a unique opportunity for the consumer to directly support a local farmer.  The consumer pays up front for a pre-determined number of weeks of produce, or a “share” of the farms bounty.  The farmer harvests and packages seasonal produce for a set pick up day and location. 

All produce included in our CSA is grown on our farm in Jerome and is chemical free.

2025 Information Coming Soon

Call or text Bonnie with questions: 208 421-7309

or Email: PetersFamilyFarmsLLC@gmail.com


How Does the CSA Work?

The CSA will start approximately the first week of June and run through the beginning of October (18 weeks).  You will pick up produce every week or every other week depending on your purchased share, from your selected location.  

CSA Share options (price does not include sales tax)

  • Weekly for 18 weeks, $630
  • Every other week for 9 weeks, $315

CSA Pick-up options – 

  • Jerome, Farmstand
    • 349B E 200 S
    • Tuesdays after 4pm
  • Twin Falls
    • Location TBD
    • Day and Time TBD 
  • Hailey, Cafe Della
    • 103 S Main St. Unit C
    • Tuesdays after 4pm


To sign up and arrange payment contact Bonnie (208) 421-7309.

  • Weekly pick-up may be paid in full or in two installments
  • Every other week pick-up must be paid in full
  • We accept Venmo, cash, check or credit card

**you are not considered a member until payment is received**

I reserve the right to change pick up days/times for holidays (Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day) to spend time with my family.

What is a CSA Share?

Each CSA share will include 6-12 different vegetables depending on the time of season.  The farmer selects the items each week to include in your share.  This is a great way to learn and practice eating seasonally.  

Example of a spring share:  Lettuce, beets, carrots, green onions, radish, turnips, baby kale/chard, peas

Example of a summer share: zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans, onions, potatoes, sweet corn, Swiss chard, bell peppers

QUESTIONS? Contact us.


(208) 421-7309




Peters Family Farms
349B East 200 South
Jerome, ID 83338